Archived Releases

Previous versions of the UCO Ontology

Release Date Description
UCO 0.1.0 2017-01-05 Initial (“prototype”) release of the UCO ontology.
UCO 0.3.0 2019-07-13 The content of v0.3.0 is primarily of fixing lexical, syntactic and semantic reasoning errors present in v0.2.0 and simplifying in some areas.
UCO 0.4.0 2020-06-01 UCO Version 0.4.0 is primarily focused on fixing syntax & structural errors, splitting domain assertions into companion files and moving some controlled vocabulary enumerations into a separate vocabulary namespace using a new specification approach.
UCO 0.5.0 2020-11-18 UCO 0.5.0 is primarily focused on the removal of the investigation namespace from UCO (that namespace now resides in the CASE ontology) and on the renaming of several classes (Observable subclasses, Facet subclasses) in the observable namespace and a single property (core:facet) to support improved alignment with the CASE ontology and the forthcoming addition of ObservableObject subclasses.
UCO 0.6.0 2021-03-25 UCO 0.6.0 is primarily focused on adding several community needed classes (URLHistory, refactoring Contact, OnlineService, Profile, etc.) and properties, refactoring and cleaning up Address subclass structure, adding specific subclasses of ObservableObject, renaming of non-observable namespace Facet subclasses to include "Facet" at the end, clarifying and normalizing all class definitions to make the ontology more robust and complete, and cleanup of several minor issues and bugs.
UCO 0.7.0 2021-08-18 UCO 0.7.0 is primarily focused on the conversion of UCO ontologies to leverage the Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) rather than domain assertions and owl property restrictions to define class shapes. In addition, it added a Continuous Integration (CI) method for testing and verifying the ontology and it corrects several minor issues and bugs.
UCO 0.8.0 2022-03-23 UCO 0.8.0 is primarily focused on an initial implementation of Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) review of semi-open vocabulary usage, restructuring of all UCO ontology IRIs and file structures to enable delivery of ontology resources from a new subdomain, flattening actionActionReferencesFacet properties directly onto action:Action, normalizing decimal number properties to xsd:decimal, improvements to unit and CI testing, numerous modifications and improvements to the Observable namespace, and correcting several minor issues and bugs.
UCO 0.9.0 2022-06-16 UCO 0.9.0 primarily focused on workflow technology transitions, and was necessitated by a Java dependency upgrade. The workflow used to normalize Turtle files in UCO and in downstream repositories now minimally requires Java 11, which impacts several public repositories—especially within the CASE community—that present Turtle files as part of their review process. The workflow to interface with the UCO and CASE ontologies has transitioned to Github Issues, which has caused some files related to programming Github interfaces to become versioned with the ontology. SHACL documentation will now use sh:description when documenting SHACL shapes. OWL-level ontological commitments are being restored since the transition to SHACL, starting with clarifying that core:UcoObject and core:Facet are disjoint classes. In SHACL validation updates, 0.9.0 refines some properties in email stub graph objects, polyglot designations with multiple MIME types, and a correction with names of accounts.
UCO 0.9.1 2022-08-31 UCO 0.9.1 implements a starting point in UCO for ontology version designation and backwards-compatibility tracking. OWL versioning features are implemented and tested on top of UCO 0.9.0, as part of demonstrating version incrementing for UCO 1.0.0 and exercising the documentation deployment process. No other changes are implemented since UCO 0.9.0.
UCO 1.0.0 2022-08-31 Initial major release.
UCO 1.1.0 2022-11-22 UCO 1.1.0 adds an Analysis namespace for representing analytic actions and outcomes, and starts a framework for representing classifications by Artifical Intelligence frameworks. Database cells can now be represented and related to various levels of a database storage hierarchy. Two properties found to lack ranges have had ranges assigned in accordance with existing related properties. Additional conformance testing has been added to verify UCO conformance with its design vocabularies (currently RDF, RDFS, OWL, and SHACL). Various SHACL-OWL tests have received corrections.
UCO 1.2.0 2023-03-29 UCO 1.2.0 includes additive updates as well as exercising a process for introducing backwards-incompatible changes in preparation for UCO 2.0.0. A new feature incorporates construction of support for offline development with some ontology tools that require local-file substitution for imported IRIs. Community member testing identified and mitigated environmental assumptions revealed by exercising UCO with processing frameworks not included in Cyber Domain Ontology automated testing. Some mobile device property cardinalities are now relaxed care of a user encountering and reporting an encountered, uncommon device configuration. Vocabularies have expanded to cover further cryptography needs. One bug fix in class alignment for a "Data structure" class (`types:Thread`) has introduced a backwards-incompatible fix for the 2.0.0 release cycle, with a warning now being raised within the 1.x.0 release cycle if the future pattern enforcement will fail.
UCO 1.3.0 2024-01-23 UCO 1.3.0 includes additive updates and further preparations for backwards-incompatible changes in preparation for UCO 2.0.0. A clarifying disjointedness statement has been added to distinguish `observable:File`s from `observable:URL`s, in response to a question on how to represent a URL that serves a file with expected contents. Events are now representable with the general-purpose class `core:Event`, fit for further specializing. A test of OWL syntax has had its scope corrected to prevent incorrect flagging of `rdf:List` forms outside of class descriptions.