1.2.0 Release

Date: 2023-03-29

Ontology File(s)


Release Notes

UCO 1.2.0 incorporates required refinements and updates, building on the stable 1.0.0 release. Following SemVer, additive improvements will continue to be accepted, but backwards-incompatible changes will be scheduled only for the 2.0.0 release, which will come after at least 6 months to possibly 12 months.

This release includes additive updates as well as exercising a process for introducing backwards-incompatible changes in preparation for UCO 2.0.0. A new feature incorporates construction of support for offline development with some ontology tools that require local-file substitution for imported IRIs. Community member testing identified and mitigated environmental assumptions revealed by exercising UCO with processing frameworks not included in Cyber Domain Ontology automated testing. Some mobile device property cardinalities are now relaxed care of a user encountering and reporting an encountered, uncommon device configuration. Vocabularies have expanded to cover further cryptography needs. One bug fix in class alignment for a “Data structure” class (types:Thread) has introduced a backwards-incompatible fix for the 2.0.0 release cycle, with a warning now being raised within the 1.x.0 release cycle if the future pattern enforcement will fail.


Breaking Changes

(These are changes to ontologies, classes or properties in the preexisting ontology that make the new release non-backward-compatible.)


(These are changes to ontologies, classes or properties in the preexisting ontology.)

Bug Fixes

(These are bugs found within the preexisting ontology that have been fixed.)


Generated documentation is available at this site:


Be aware that the documentation at that site will only show the most recent release. The upper-left corner of the documentation pages shows the ontology version being reviewed.

After the following UCO release, users interested seeing the rendered documentation at this version “Back in time” should locally clone the repository, check out this branch, and follow the deployment directions in CONTRIBUTE.md.