Ontology Committee : UCO Version 0.7.0 Release Notes

Ontology Committee : UCO Version 0.7.0 Release Notes


UCO 0.7.0 is primarily focused on the conversion of UCO ontologies to leverage the Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) rather than domain assertions and owl property restrictions to define class shapes. In addition, it added a continuous integration (CI) method for testing and verifying the ontology and it corrects several minor issues and bugs.

Focus Exceptions:

Change Proposals Addressed in this Release

Changes (these are changes to ontologies, classes or properties in the preexisting ontology)

Development Changes (These are changes to ontology development practice, and are not necessarily changes to ontology data.)

Breaking Changes (These are changes to ontologies, classes or properties in the preexisting ontology that make the new release non-backward-compatible.)

Range Changes (These are changes to the “range” of a property that are not breaking changes: typically these are broadening in the scope of the range.)

Changes (These are changes to the preexisting ontology that are not breaking or range changes.)

Deprecations/Deletions (These are classes or properties that were deprecated from the ontology.)


Class Additions (These are classes that were added.)

Property Additions (These are properties that were added.)

Vocabulary Additions/Changes (These are any vocabularies that were added or modified.)

Annotation Changes

Known Issues

Document generated by Confluence on Aug 18, 2021 18:14
